Monday, March 30, 2009

When is the best time to workout?

So after going to the gym this morning since we had no class I was wondering when the best time to go to the gym is, so I did a little research and this is what I found out.

There is no real “best time to workout” because it is different for each person. Although after doing some looking around on the internet I found that the best time to workout is when you are most awake. If you wake up at 6:00 in the morning, you probably won’t be real awake when 10:00 and 11:00 come around at night. During your workout you want to be active, energetic, and focused. Do you have problems sleeping a little after working out? If yes, it is best to workout in the morning or during the day so that when the night rolls around you are able to get the right amount of sleep for muscle growth.

There is no certain time when people are suggested to workout, but I feel that during the middle of the day is the best time to work out. It is obviously tough for some people to exercise in the middle of the day due to many factors including work, sleep, and nutrition. Lifting should be based on your own personal schedule. To make your workouts worthwhile you must be full of energy. In order to have this energy you must be on proper sleep, food in your system, and wide-awake. Having enough energy means that you are not fatigue at all.

The perfect time to workout is a pretty wide range. The first six hours after waking up is usually not a great time to workout because proper nutrition and energy will not be through your body by that time. Anything after twelve hours of waking up is also not a great time to workout because our bodies are at that time starting to fatigue and get ready for sleep. After figuring it out, we should workout anywhere between six and twelve hours of waking up. For example if a person went to bed at eleven and woke up at seven, they would be best suited to workout between one and seven in the afternoon. Therefore it gives you a wide variety of time to exercise. Usually people don’t find it hard to train with-in those hours.

This is just a suggestion of times to go to the gym but as most of you know especially if you go to Ely gym, is easier to not go during those hours because the gym isn’t as packed and you can get more done without waiting for machines and other equipment.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Consuming Mushrooms Can Help Cut Breast Cancer Risk

According to a new study, eating mushrooms can help cut the risk of breast cancer by a great deal.

The Australian study was led by Dr. Min Zhang of the University of Western Australia and focused on women in China. The focus was Chinese women because their breast cancer rate is 5 times lower than that of other Western nations. The belief was that their traditional Chinese diet may have had something to do with that. They compared a survey of around 1,000 breast cancer patients to around 1,000 health patients.

The ages of these patients was said to be constant so they could focus on the diets alone.
What they found was that women who consumed 10 grams of mushrooms daily cut their risk of breast cancer by over 65%. 10 grams of mushrooms is less than one button mushroom, not very much at all. So getting those 10 grams shouldn’t be too hard for women to do who want to reduce their chance of breast cancer.

Another way in which was found to reduce breast cancer rates during this study was that they could reduce breast cancer was by consuming
green tea.

The study has been published in the International Journal of Cancer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Red wine carries same breast cancer risk as white wine

Drinking moderate amounts of any kind of alcohol (including wine, beer, and liquor) is associated with a slightly increased breast cancer risk.

Originally it was believed that if you drank red wine rather than other alcoholic beverages that you would not be at as much of a risk for breast cancer. After the conclusion of a new study, it gets rid of any hope that red wine is less likely than other alcohol-containing drinks to increase breast cancer risks, or that it might even protect against the disease.

"If a woman chooses red wine, she should do so because she likes the flavor, not because she thinks doing so will reduce her breast cancer risk," said Polly A. Newcomb of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, Washington, who led the research. "It might be good for other things, but it definitely is not conferring any protection against breast cancer."

To find out if this was true, the researchers looked at 6,327 women with breast cancer and 7,558 women who did not have a cancer diagnosis. Risk rose with the amount of alcohol consumed, no matter whether it was wine, beer or liquor. The heaviest drinkers -- women who reported having 14 or more drinks a week -- were 24 percent more likely to develop breast cancer than nondrinkers.

"The message is pretty simple," Allen said. "Moderate drinking increases breast cancer risk, and it seems that the more you drink the higher the risk."

So I hate to break the news to all the woman out their who might be reading this before they hit up the parties during spring break but it is now proven fact that the more you drink the more likely you are to get breast cancer.

On the plus side here are 5 Things That Could Cut Your Breast Cancer Risk
1. Limit yourself to two or three alcoholic drinks a week
2. Exercise at least three times a week (more often is even better)
3. Maintain your body weight, or lose weight if you're overweight
4. Do a monthly breast self-exam
5. Have a mammogram once a year after 40

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cancer May Soon Be World's Leading Killer

Right now heart disease is the current leading killer throughout the world. Health experts predict that soon, more people will die from cancer than from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. Experts also expect that by two thousand ten, cancer will become the world's leading cause of death.

One reason more people are dying from cancer is because more people are smoking cigarettes in developing countries. Forty percent of the world's smokers are believed to live in China and India alone. Other things including high fat diets and reduced physical activity are also believed to be pushing the numbers upward. Areas in which the numbers will have the largest increases will be in China, Russia, and India.

Rates of breast cancer in Japan, Singapore and South Korea are now three times what they were forty years ago but for the first time in the U.S. breast cancer rates have gone down which is a step in the right direction.

The American Cancer Society says governments can do things to help prevent the increase in cancer cases and deaths. One idea is to provide poor and developing nations with vaccines that help to prevent some cancer-causing infections. One example of a cancer-causing infection is human papillomavirus. This virus can cause cervical cancer in women. Another suggestion is more support for tobacco-control programs. And the cancer society says health officials and governments should invest more in cancer research and early detection.