Monday, March 23, 2009

Consuming Mushrooms Can Help Cut Breast Cancer Risk

According to a new study, eating mushrooms can help cut the risk of breast cancer by a great deal.

The Australian study was led by Dr. Min Zhang of the University of Western Australia and focused on women in China. The focus was Chinese women because their breast cancer rate is 5 times lower than that of other Western nations. The belief was that their traditional Chinese diet may have had something to do with that. They compared a survey of around 1,000 breast cancer patients to around 1,000 health patients.

The ages of these patients was said to be constant so they could focus on the diets alone.
What they found was that women who consumed 10 grams of mushrooms daily cut their risk of breast cancer by over 65%. 10 grams of mushrooms is less than one button mushroom, not very much at all. So getting those 10 grams shouldn’t be too hard for women to do who want to reduce their chance of breast cancer.

Another way in which was found to reduce breast cancer rates during this study was that they could reduce breast cancer was by consuming
green tea.

The study has been published in the International Journal of Cancer.

1 comment:

  1. This is nice very nice to know. I am glad I like mushrooms! I think it is so weird how certain foods reduce your risk of getting certain cancers or diseases. Thanks for the info!
